Anthony Lister in Los Angeles

Urban Artist Anthony Lister, der auch gerne als der Banksy von Brisbane gehandelt wird (und sich ironischerweise eben da derzeit wegen seiner Street Art wegen Sachbeschädigung/Vandalismus vor Gericht verantworten muss), war im Spätsommer/Frühherbst vergangenen Jahres in L.A. unterwegs, um in der New Image Art Gallery auszustellen und nebenbei haufenweise neues Zeug auf die Wände der Stadt zu pinseln. Famos!

Eine knapp 10minütige Doku seines Trips findet sich jetzt bei Vimeo. Enjoy!



“Anthony Lister struck Los Angeles like a hurricane hitting walls from Venice to Downtown in a whirlwind two weeks in the run up to his show at New Image Art Gallery. The numerous street pieces served as inspiration for the multitude of paintings he worked on and exhibited in September of 2015. An exhibit that not only featured his exquisite paintings on canvas, but also his bronze sculptures, VR experience, and a live performance that shattered expectation. In this episode we interview not only the artist, but also legendary graffiti writer RISK, New Image Art Gallery owner Marsea Goldberg, Director Mark Simpson, and performance artist Ariel Brickman about Lister’s incredible style and dedication to his true love, artistic expression.”

artist website:

featured pic: screenshot from Video

via: very nearly almost

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